Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vegetarian Resources!

I love food. I love books. I love books about food. And I love being a vegetarian. So I decided to compile a  nice little list of the books I've read over the past several months that either helped me decide to make the switch to the veggie lifestyle, or that provide lots of info on the topic. All these are books that I really enjoyed reading. However, I would not recommend all of them for everybody. Do your research. Be wise. Read. Be healthy! woohoo! That's all I have to say. Here goes:

1. Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser.
I read this about a year and a half ago. It's pretty nasty. Definitely worth reading.

2. Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer
Ok. Mr. Foer is one of my all-time favorite authors. Usually he writes fiction but this one is not at all fiction. This book is Mr. Foer's personal accounts of how he researched the meat industry (sometimes even sneaking onto factory farms!) and finding out first-hand what goes on in there. He is since a vegan. Pretty interesting stuff. 

3. Skinny Bitch, by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnoiun.
Judge me if you want, but I seriously loved this book. I read it in a less than 12-hour period. It's honest, straightforward, and a little offensive. But come onnn, unless you're a total wuss, you can handle it. The authors admit that they are not trying to advocate bitchiness but rather used the title to get attention (and it worked, seeing as this book made it to the New York Times Bestseller List). Anyway, these ladies outline exactly WHY it's in your best interest to give up junk food and do your body a favor by going vegan. Beware, this book uses verrrryyyyy convincing language. In one chapter, they get a little too preachy on political matters for my taste. But whatever, their tips on healthy eating and lifestyle change are worth skimming over the unnecessary drama. Check this out. It's worth the judgmental glances you will undoubtedly receive from your local librarian.

4. Earthings.
Ok. This is persuasive film at it's most persuasive. Seriously. It's called Earthlings because it serves as a reminder that humans are not the only species living here. In fact, we are the most intelligent, so we are the most responsible for the state of the earth. Essentially the filmmakers decided this would be best accomplished by SHOWing people exactly what we as humans are doing to the earth and to animals, instead of just telling us. It is soo effective. You will probably cry. If you don't, either you are very adept at controlling your emotions, or you are a freak of nature! I cried my eyes out, especially during the part about whaling. Just remember, I don't recommend this for everyone. Only people who really care about this kind of thing. Otherwise you will be grossed out and then feel guilty and get mad at me for recommending this. And nobody wants that.

5. Omnivore's Dilemma, by Michael Pollan.
Ok, to be honest, I never actually read this book in its entirety. I just picked certain chapters because I was writing a huge research paper on the topic and I didn't have time to read the whole thing. BUT what I did read was very interesting. Mr. Pollan did a lot of research about how what we eat affects more than just us. Win. I put a hold on it at the library so hopefully I'll get to read the whole thing soon!

6. Food Inc.
Here's another film. This one I WOULD recommend to anyone and everyone. It is a comprehensive look at how America feeds itself. It's very interesting!!! Unless maybe you don't care about food. Then you might say it is boring. But come ON, food is the best. How could you not care about it? It keeps you alive. Watch this. It's on Netflix.

7. In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, by Michael Pollan
Just checked this out from the library. Yeahhh! More to come.

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